When cannabis parthenogenesis is described, it generally refers to the process of using a plant with “parthenogenic cannabis” to produce plants without offspring. Parthenogenesis refers to the formation of a fertilized egg from a virgin egg. Plants without offspring (and thus, seeds) are parthenogenic. Parthenogenesis is a genetic mechanism that many plant species employ, including cannabis. “Female” marijuana plants https://weedseedscity.com produce pollen, and “male” marijuana plants do not. A seed produced by a female marijuana plant has two of these genes that are part of a specific pollen gene. In a normal pollen gene, one copy is mutated, allowing it to produce seeds. In female marijuana plants, this mutation does not occur. They produce no pollen and no seeds.
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Heran Gopers
Nov 22, 2022
What Are the Advantages of Feminized Cannabis Seeds?
What Are the Advantages of Feminized Cannabis Seeds?
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